Thursday, October 29, 2009

Day 28: Painting the Sky White

  Post name from the first image.





































Dorman’s Interlude:

Mr. Dorman says:
*pseudo blag post

Pictured below are photos taken during TWO jumps. They do look like they’re from the same jump, except for the colour of the sky.

P1000773 P1000774 P1000778P1000779

Monday, October 19, 2009

Day 20: Sufficiently Advanced Pornography is Indistinguishable from Art.

Yesterday, I spent a good few hours on deviantArt, browsing the People and Portraits section.

Today, I’m going to do something which i terribly dislike, and make you click a link to read my post. I’m doing this mainly because I’m posting about something that not everyone wants to see. You can read the title of the article to figure out what I mean.

Sunday, October 18, 2009

Day 19: Multitasking.

browser screenshot
First Off, I have to say, my browser skin is epic.

Second off, the article shown in the screenshot is perfectly right, except for the part about multitasking. I multitask extensively. I’ve always got multiple tabs open in firefox, and many many windows else open. I’ve got music playing, a game playing, firefox open with 7 tabs, chrome open with 3 tabs, 3 msn windows, notepad, photo viewer, and two explorer windows open now.

I need to get a quad core processor… >_> My pentium 4 works, but just isn’t good enough for me to multitask the way I want to. I need at least twice as many windows open as I’ve got to feel satisfied.

Dorman’s interlude:

Mr. Dorman says:
well, now that this computer is essentially worthless with a gpu that can't be pushed I might as well install linux ( '-')

Thursday, October 15, 2009

Day 18: Interview!

Today, I had to interview one of the members of the Civil Engineering staff. I WAS supposed to do it with a group of 2 other people, but one of them had a class during every one of our faculties office hours, and the other one just forgot.

We didn’t have to go to our CIV 101 class today because of the interviews this week. So I’ve got just speech today.

Speech is a very weird class.

The major thing I got out of speech today was that professionals have to stereotype to speak.

Dorman’s Interlude:

Mr. Dorman says:
Best thing ever

Anyways, somehow i missed the steel bridge competition meeting today… I can’t believe i missed it, as I really wanted to be a part of that program. I’m really spacing club activities for some reason.


(I’m not attempting to use this image as my own, I’m just putting it here for the lulz)

Wednesday, October 14, 2009

Day17: Wednesday, the new MONDAY.

I have no problem with Monday, it’s actually a relief to have a schedule after a boring weekend. But Wednesday… Now there’s a terrible day. I’ve got my chemistry lab at 6 o’ clock in the evening.

Dorman’s Interlude:

Mr. Dorman says:

Today, my lab class was overshadowed with DISCRIMINATION!

People have no friendliness for those using linux. They have no idea of how the programs are different. I got marked down because my computer didn’t have MICROSOFT FLIPPIN OFFICE, and used open office instead.


Open office math has no options for setting the x-axis of a graph to scale, and just evenly spaces the given data. Its kind of annoying, but on my laptop, I have ubuntu. Silly silly ubuntu.

1222930125872 Um, do it.

Tuesday, October 13, 2009

Day 16: Squirrels and Alligators

In my speech class today, we had to make poems. Crappy poems, but poems none the less. We had to choose a word, and then its opposite. Then we had to list 20 words for each word that those words made us think about. I chose fire before I knew the teacher was going to make us pick the opposite. So I ended up with fire and ice.

Then, we had to make a poem using 30ish, I don’t remember the exact number of the 42 words, and nothing but those 30 words.

Bahamut, Leviathan, Kittens!
Blue Baloons Tantrum,
Dwarves Would Catsplosion,
Carp, Dragons, Red Water
Bomb Books, Explosion
Planes Ice Atlantis
3rings Crashes
Fire Liberty
Fire Freedom
Yellow Life Raft
Red Rivers
Ice Statues
Ice Nukes

Monday, October 12, 2009

Day 15: Dvorak

Today, I blog while typing in dvorak.

I dunno why I tried this, but it is quite an interesting experience.
I set my keyboard layout to dvorak when installing ubuntu.
Also, after typing 8 lines, I'm getting somewhat proficient. I already
recognize where most keys are, but the less common ones are a terrible
pain. I've got my background set as a dvorak keyboard, and not looking
at it is hard.

My chem teacher got the swine flu today. Yay.

I've got less than half an hour to perfect typing like this before
class. I'm graduating from the keyboard on the desktop now. Its
surprisingly easy to learn something when you put your mind to it.

I should be leaving now...

Saturday, October 10, 2009



Under my own rules, I’m not obligated to post today.

But i shall!

Also, notice no Day: in today's post.

Dorman’s Interlude:

Mr. Dorman says:
*still waiting for that code u_u
*it's been two hours already!
*I hope it isn't because they take weekends off >____>

Wallpaper Corner:

Vertical Wallpapers: They’re weird, but quite cool if you can use them.














Friday, October 9, 2009

Day 14: Competition, What competition?

As I said before, my speech class for yesterday was canceled. It turns out that my writing class today was also canceled, I wrote it down, but forgot to remember.

Printing here at OIT is a nightmare. If you’re at a normal fixed computer, you have to use the browser to access the printer list, and then find the printer closest to you, download the driver, and only then can you print.

In the library, they use a secure printing method, so you can print without having to go through the above method, but you have to go to the printer, and input a password directly to the printer to get it to push out your paper.

I miss having my own printer, but the last one I had corrupted it’s inks too quickly. I also miss the built in scanner. I want to get one of those small scanners that move the paper rather than the scanbar. Also, it would be epic to have a laptop with a built in printer. You wouldn’t need anything bulky for a black and white printer that only does a single piece of paper at a time.


Chemistry is too easy. Metrics are too easy. They also are so easy, I remember their conversions, but don’t remember that I remember. I kept fretting during my quiz that I had them wrong, but afterwards checked a conversion chart, and had put them down pefectly. u(mu) is x10^-6, n is x10^-9 and p is x10^-12.

Dorman’s Interlude:

Mr. Dorman says:
squeeee, jazz versions of the beatles

Wallpaper Corner!

Today, I bring offering of some random  wallpapers I have on my laptops hard drive. I did not make these, so I cannot take credit.



Thursday, October 8, 2009

Day 13: Brilliant Luck

If you’ve been reading my twitter, which is shown at the bottom of the sidebar, you’ll see that I managed to get only one class today.

My Speech teacher told us last class that she was going to be gone, and gave us a few youtube videos to watch while we didn’t have class.

Also, I got a bowl of ice-cream for dessert for only 25 cents. ^_^ Cahiers' mistake. Not going to argue.  P1000510

Dorman’s Interlude:

Mr. Dorman says:
lol @ sony for making a $30 demo game

Wednesday, October 7, 2009

Day12: Night Flippin Class

Somehow, SOMEHOW, I got assigned a night class…

My chemistry lab is from 6 to 9 at night.

It’s a little too late for my tastes.

Dorman’s Interlude

Mr. Dorman says:
Sony has a $1300 netbook

Also, free food is fun. I got a free breakfast today in the library, I went in there to print a paper, and ended up getting invited to a free breakfast.

Using a laptop during class is fun, I just wish I had more than 45 minutes of battery life. I need to get a netbook…

Tuesday, October 6, 2009

Day 11: \\solar

Nothing much happened today. I woke up early, went to class, ate lunch, went to class again, visited one of the afterschool activities, played video games, did homework, ate dinner, played more video games.


Dorman’s Interlude

Mr. Dorman says:
*My 0 key has a m0ind 0of 0its 0own...... WHAT IS GOING ON??
Steam Soldier: Desktop Edition says:
Mr. Dorman says:
Steam Soldier: Desktop Edition says:
*you has a virus


Mr. Dorman says:
Steam Soldier: Desktop Edition says:
Mr. Dorman says:
*brb restart
Steam Soldier: Desktop Edition says:
*pop out your 0 key
Mr. Dorman says:
*it feels physically fine
Steam Soldier: Desktop Edition says:
Mr. Dorman says:
*now I know what was wrong
Steam Soldier: Desktop Edition says:
Mr. Dorman says:
*I had a book leaning against the 0 key



Monday, October 5, 2009

Day 10: Weekend Skipping

I’ve decided that I’m going to be skipping the weekends for posting. It may not make perfect sense, but it allows me to go away and do stuff on the weekends without worrying about posting my blog.

I tried the schools “cafeteria” food here, and it’s pretty decent, and cheap. I was talking with my girlfriend, who is going to UofO, and the meal plans are completely different up there. Where OIT’s plan is counted by “Points” which equal cents, the UofO “Points” are roughly dollars. As I’ve got the smallest meal plan, I’ve got about $2.50 cents a day, which will get me a main meal for EVERY meal of the day. I can get 3 servings of scrambled eggs for 45 points, a corn dog(A hell of a lot better quality corn dog than i was expecting) for 40 points, and a piece of pizza for 70 points. Giving myself about 250 points a day, that leaves me with 95 points to spend on extras for my meals. I can get a 22 ounce can of Arizona tea for 75 points, and a doughnut for 10 points.

It seems people HATE the pass between Klamath Falls and Medford with a passion. I’ve had my entire scout troop, and even my family flake out this weekend, because of a chance of snow. My parents, at least, were on the road before they turned around, so i can’t blame them. But a SCOUT TROOP being afraid of a little snow? I cannot believe that.

I brought 2 sweatshirts, a jacket, and a windbreaker with me here to OIT, knowing it gets quite cold. I’ve yet to use ANY of them. We had a little snow Sunday morning, but it wasn’t sticking, and it ended about an hour after I woke up.

I’ve been watching a lot of movies the last few days. There isn’t much to do after everyone goes home from classes, so the campus ends up being really dead. I’m getting really good at watching a 2 and a half hour movie in 10 minutes. I can get the entire gist of the movie, and sample all the acting while jumping ahead 20 seconds at a time.

Every once in a while, i land on a movie that gets interesting enough that I go back to the beginning and watch it fully. So far, I’ve only landed on a few of these movies. One of them was terrible in its own right, but it was funny enough for me to sit and watch it. That movie was “Big Bad Wolf” which was a terrible b-rate horror movie about a werewolf that jests while he kills his victims. The other ones were Juno, A lot Like Love, and Fantastic Four: Rise of the silver surfer.

Juno was by far the best of the movies that I watched in the last few days. I’m attaching a chatlog of my reactions to the movie. I lost the responses of the other people to the first half of my replies, but I’ve still got the second half. I put it into a page, right below.

Chatlog Here

Mudding Reflection:

zMOGus wisps: The episodes of stargate on Hulu are labeled SyFy


Safe to say, when I sent that, I was mad. My roommate was watching Stargate SG1, a show that I generally like, but when i saw the new watermark, I got mad. SyFy stands for NOTHING, absolutely nothing. Its about as catering to the clientele as Martha Stewart machining a flame painted motorcycle.

Dorman’s Interlude:

Alex: The Patriots did it.

zMOGus: I wants a zune hd
Alex: I'd rather get an ipood touch
Alex: apps ftw

Alex: Ridie-ohs!
Alex: Breakfast for the lulz!


Friday, October 2, 2009

Day 9: Backlogged

Today, I’ll post some pictures I haven’t posted so far.




P1000548P1000541   P1000553P1000552

Wednesday, September 30, 2009

Day 7: Movie Tiems

Been randomly watching movies all evening.

Not up to blogging tonight… I’ll try and post something more tomorrow.

Dorman’s Interlude:

Mr. Dorman says:
Steam Soldier says:
He's imortal, snake isn't
Mr. Dorman says:
he isn't immortal


Tuesday, September 29, 2009

Day 6: Irrelevance

Today, as opposed to the recent “Day” posts I’ve done, I’m going to ignore college entirely. Pictures of randomness shall be posted, and you’re going to like them. 


 P1000663P1000732 P1000731 P1000730 P1000729 P1000727P1000726

Dorman’s Interlude Interruption:

Mr. Dorman says:



Monday, September 28, 2009

Day 5: Chem, Calc, and Crazies. Also, Comedian.

The first day of classes has been defeated. Miniboss: Crazy barely English speaking chemistry lecture teacher. Defeated with prior knowledge of chemistry, so i don’t have to even know what she’s saying.

My classes so far are easy… Easier than I’ve ever expected college to be. The chemistry curriculum is definitely a step below what I took in high school, and as I took AP Calculus, my calculus class is just review and mastery of a subject I already know.

I finished the homework for the entire week in my Writing class during my lunch hour today, consisting of a simple getting to know worksheet, and a 2-5 page memo. I’ve yet to find a printer to produce a hard copy of the memo, which is due Friday, but I can figure that out tomorrow.

So, the dorm halls all have a “theme” here at oit. They’re decorated according to that theme by the Residence Hall Advisors, Aka Civil Protection. I got lucky and got the hall decorated to super heroes, instead of the terrible one the guys across the building got: Disney.

In honor of that theme, I got this poster, and put it on my door. Behold, the greatest Anti-Hero of all time. THE COMEDIAN.
