Wednesday, December 17, 2008

Unknown propultion, life support, mechanical workings, etc...

I watched the new version of "The day the earth stood still" last weekend. It was quite a good movie, but many things about it both baffled, and annoyed. Why wouldn't they stay and help humans to pass that point of no return. Why were their only actions: Go away, or kill.

I am currently downloading, and I shall soon watch the old version. I want to know how much artistic liberty modern filmmakers take when they remake old movies like this, and 50's sci-fi is great.

Maplestory is quite fun, but its getting slightly annoying... Too much grinding, but the grinding is so much fun... I can't really tell which way I actually am leaning on this right now... I think its a good game, but I don't know whether I want to continue playing.

Tuesday, December 9, 2008

Physics, the x2 multiplyer for fun.

When you start thinking of the standard super hero strength as the amount of Newtons of force that can be used, you may have gone too far...

Also, I have some great physics drawings I need to either scan in, or make a digital version of...

Maybe later...