Thursday, November 20, 2008

I'd hate to die twice. It's so boring.

The coincidence of numbers is so great that it cannot be ignored. I see 42, the answer to life, the universe, and everything, everywhere. I got a 42 out of 50 on my English test, and my normal test average is 84... I had 42 text messages in my inbox when I got my test back, AND 42 bucks in my wallet... Oh, and my English total grade rounds up to 84.

Today, I looked over at my alarm clock at about 5:00 in the afternoon. The clock is an hour fast because of daylight savings time, so it read 5:55 at a time that was 5 minutes till 5 o'clock.

I could probably find more number coincidences, but I don't feel like looking for any more. 1227067132619

Also, Here is a Cactuar. I like Cactuars, and I even modified a song for them a long time ago.

Sunday, November 16, 2008

Never drive at night.

I found an engineering bible from 104 years ago. People used to make books a lot more durable than they do now. So far, I have found only one page that has any actual damage, and the pages feel like they are made of silk, compared to today's modern "paper..." The binding is quite worn, but its probably still going to last a long time more.

It is easy to forget how much we take calculators for granted, and this book shows how life was like before we had them to do all the dirty memorization and the works for us. Its got tables and tables of raw data about sine values, circumferences, logs, squares, reciprocals... Everything you can imagine, and not be able to work out quickly in your head.

With a 100 foot wide road, there are 12.1 acres of surface area in a mile of road. The reciprocal (multiplicative opposite) of 666 is .001501502. A length of pipe with a diameter of 1 foot, and a length of 1 foot, has an area of .7854 cub ft. Hehe, random data.

Actually, the copy I have is almost identical to the one referenced in this article, except for the fact that mine is in better condition, and doesn't have the handwritten notes at the back. Mine still has all of its pages, but the binding is still slightly flaking.

Friday, November 14, 2008

I must get to the station.

Robots have feelings too.Racists? Specieists? Naturalists?

What do you call the robot haters?

I don't think anyone is going to mind if I start making these?

Monday, November 10, 2008

I am innocent, innocent, innocent. Make no mistake about this. I owe society nothing.

Audiosurf Unfortunately, I owe $2.50 for a game... Will he lord it over me? Probably...

I now get to play games to my music. Radiohead, Queen, The Beatles, and some random others I have collected over the time...

Anyone out there familiar with rocketdock? It may be a hand-me-down from apples line of computers, but it makes it so much easier than the task bar to get to your key files.


Wallpaper of the month.

I think I am going to try and do something like a wallpaper a month. Its probably not going to be directly related to the month, but it will most definitely look good on computers during that month. These will not be my creation, but my findings.

So, for this month, here you go, I'll give you two.

The first image is named "Chernobyl" and the second one is just a cow.

(Make sure you hold me to this. I will probably forget once or twice)


Sunday, November 9, 2008

I should have asked for a stunt double!



FEarth = FHumanity

(1x1025 kg)(a) = (6.8x109)(60kg)
(a) = Really Small

With Our Powers Combined
We are Captain Fail


I have fun with my physics notes sometimes. I am going to digitalize some more of them sometime later... I make a lot of great little doodles in the margin of my notes in all classes, but the physics ones seem to be the most... imaginative.