Wednesday, December 17, 2008
Unknown propultion, life support, mechanical workings, etc...
I am currently downloading, and I shall soon watch the old version. I want to know how much artistic liberty modern filmmakers take when they remake old movies like this, and 50's sci-fi is great.
Maplestory is quite fun, but its getting slightly annoying... Too much grinding, but the grinding is so much fun... I can't really tell which way I actually am leaning on this right now... I think its a good game, but I don't know whether I want to continue playing.
Tuesday, December 9, 2008
Physics, the x2 multiplyer for fun.
Also, I have some great physics drawings I need to either scan in, or make a digital version of...
Maybe later...
Thursday, November 20, 2008
I'd hate to die twice. It's so boring.
The coincidence of numbers is so great that it cannot be ignored. I see 42, the answer to life, the universe, and everything, everywhere. I got a 42 out of 50 on my English test, and my normal test average is 84... I had 42 text messages in my inbox when I got my test back, AND 42 bucks in my wallet... Oh, and my English total grade rounds up to 84.
Today, I looked over at my alarm clock at about 5:00 in the afternoon. The clock is an hour fast because of daylight savings time, so it read 5:55 at a time that was 5 minutes till 5 o'clock.
I could probably find more number coincidences, but I don't feel like looking for any more.
Also, Here is a Cactuar. I like Cactuars, and I even modified a song for them a long time ago.
Sunday, November 16, 2008
Never drive at night.
I found an engineering bible from 104 years ago. People used to make books a lot more durable than they do now. So far, I have found only one page that has any actual damage, and the pages feel like they are made of silk, compared to today's modern "paper..." The binding is quite worn, but its probably still going to last a long time more.
It is easy to forget how much we take calculators for granted, and this book shows how life was like before we had them to do all the dirty memorization and the works for us. Its got tables and tables of raw data about sine values, circumferences, logs, squares, reciprocals... Everything you can imagine, and not be able to work out quickly in your head.
With a 100 foot wide road, there are 12.1 acres of surface area in a mile of road. The reciprocal (multiplicative opposite) of 666 is .001501502. A length of pipe with a diameter of 1 foot, and a length of 1 foot, has an area of .7854 cub ft. Hehe, random data.
Actually, the copy I have is almost identical to the one referenced in this article, except for the fact that mine is in better condition, and doesn't have the handwritten notes at the back. Mine still has all of its pages, but the binding is still slightly flaking.
Friday, November 14, 2008
Monday, November 10, 2008
I am innocent, innocent, innocent. Make no mistake about this. I owe society nothing.
Unfortunately, I owe $2.50 for a game... Will he lord it over me? Probably...
I now get to play games to my music. Radiohead, Queen, The Beatles, and some random others I have collected over the time...
Anyone out there familiar with rocketdock? It may be a hand-me-down from apples line of computers, but it makes it so much easier than the task bar to get to your key files.
Wallpaper of the month.
I think I am going to try and do something like a wallpaper a month. Its probably not going to be directly related to the month, but it will most definitely look good on computers during that month. These will not be my creation, but my findings.
So, for this month, here you go, I'll give you two.
The first image is named "Chernobyl" and the second one is just a cow.
(Make sure you hold me to this. I will probably forget once or twice)
Sunday, November 9, 2008
I should have asked for a stunt double!
FEarth = FHumanity
(1x1025 kg)(a) = (6.8x109)(60kg)
(a) = Really SmallWith Our Powers Combined
We are Captain Fail^^^^^^^^^^^
I have fun with my physics notes sometimes. I am going to digitalize some more of them sometime later... I make a lot of great little doodles in the margin of my notes in all classes, but the physics ones seem to be the most... imaginative.
Thursday, October 23, 2008
I don't think they even heard me.
Not in this place, at least...
The Internet is too vast for a place like this to get attention. The blog of a simple high school student will probably never be noticed, but its nice to just have it here in case it somehow does get noticed.
My "act" has ended by becoming an integral part of my nature, I told myself. It's no longer an act. My knowledge that I am masquerading as a normal person has even corroded whatever of normality I originally possessed, ending by making me tell myself over and over again that it too was nothing but a pretense of normality. To say it another way, I'm becoming the sort of person who can't believe in anything except the counterfeit. ~Yukio Mishima
The counterfeit, that is what most of the internet is. We must continue with the laughing, because it is now part of our nature. Real life is starting to feel like just a masquerade.
My last Digital media project was this poster over here. The project was to make a design out of just black and white text. I traced a picture of a TF2 Engineer flying on one of his buildings. Its really cool what you can do with the letter J.
The trailer for the new watchmen movie looks absolutely epic.
Saturday, October 11, 2008
Insanity of Web
First off,
Second, I was shown this, while quite bored.
Third, Toontown.
For the reason why I tried this, check out this link.
Unfortunately, it didn't work, so I changed the name to Stonewall Riots, the name "The Homosexual Agenda" was changed to after the admins caught him. Three panel soul is a great webcomic. Since custom names need to be reviewed, my name was set as "Maroon Duck"...
In Response to Alex's Desktop, I shall post mine, Behold, my custom wallpaper of greatness. It's still a work in progress, but it looks good already. The icons are all Amora.
I'm pretty
XP is great for customizing visual styles since it's been around for so long.
Here's what I used to create my look.
D-Color XP for changing the icons
StartKiller for removing the start button
TenerVS visual style
Orion1-0 winamp skin
Sunday, October 5, 2008
We All Live on a Steam Submarine
In the town where I was born,
Lived a man who sailed to sea,
And he told us of his life,
In the land of submarines,
So we sailed on to the sun,
Till we found the sea of green,
And we lived beneath the waves,
In our Steam submarine,
We all live in a Steam submarine,
Steam submarine, Steam submarine,
We all live in a Steam submarine,
Steam submarine, Steam submarine.
All our friends are all aboard,
Many more of them live next door,
And the band begins to play.
(Trumpets play)
We all live in a Steam submarine,
Steam submarine, Steam submarine,
We all live a Steam submarine,
Steam submarine, Steam submarine.
(Full speed ahead, Mr. Parker, full speed ahead!
Full speed over here, sir!
Action station! Action station!
Aye, aye, sir, fire!
Captin! Captin!)
As we live a life of ease
Every one of us is all we need,
Sky of blue, and sea of green,
in our Steam submarine. ( Hahaha! )
We all live in a Steam submarine,
Steam submarine, Steam submarine,
We all live in a Steam submarine,
Steam submarine, Steam submarine.
We all live in a Steam submarine,
Steam submarine, Steam submarine,
We all live in a Steam submarine,
Steam submarine, Steam submarine.
Thursday, October 2, 2008
Monday, September 29, 2008
Money can't buy life.
Spore: Build A Species Workshop
The game doesn't center on any sort of game genre, but attempts to bring in many types of games into one. The player starts out controlling a cell, and slowly evolves until the player gets their creature to blast off into space. This is done by using 5 different types of gameplay, from a flOw-like cell stage to a Real Time Strategy civilization stage.
The game sells for about $50 to $80, depending on whether you get the original or the special edition, named the "Galactic Edition." Also, there is a DS version called "spore creatures" and a cell-phone/iPhone version called "Spore Origins." The former being a stylized version of the creature stage, and the latter being a copy as the cell stage.
Reviews are greatly mixed. It got 2,567 one star reviews on, (Mainly for digital rights management issues with the game.) but pulled off a decent 85 out of 100 on
Personally, I love this game. I like how open ended the space stage of the game is, and the creation of creatures is quite fun.
Sunday, September 28, 2008
But how the devil do you think this could harm me?.
Well, today, I ended up doing just that...
I was vacuuming my room, as it was dirty. I passed the vacuum too close to the fan, and the fan went into my hand like a saw... Gashed it up real good.
I went downstairs to go get some Band-Aids, and after talking to my mom, I fainted from the shock of the fan hitting the bone of my hand. I remember starting to turn around to go upstars... When I woke up, there was screaming, and a huge hole in the wall behind me, and I couldn't feel any pain left.
I am really starting to wonder what my pain tolerance actually is. I don't think it was the pain that I fainted from, but the sight of the gash, or the feeling of vibrating bone...
On a totally unrelated note, I transferred over a good amount of the music to my desktop, which now has nothing but Chrome, a single indie game, and 7 gigs of music. I think I'm just going to use it like a big stationary iPod, with a subwoofer. ^_^
I keep starting blogs, but I never actually can get around to finish them. I've got a nice juicy spore review I did for school, I am going to post it once I get it to this computer.
For today's lulz, I have posted a picture of a bunch of TF2 characters rocking out. I'll have to find the start wars one that this was probably based on.
Monday, September 22, 2008
Plaudite, amici, comedia finita est.
This sickness, probably no more than a common cold, plagues me with annoyance. I was not able to go to school, as I was shooed home by both my girlfriend, and my teacher...
Spending a day at home, with a horrible cough, and a slightly spinning head is no fun...
I ended up playing a space rpg/shooter game for most of the time... I need to find a good game that doesn't get old quickly... or... an alternative to the computer that I can actually stick to...
Monday, September 15, 2008
Digital Media Project
For Digital Media, we had to make a project consisting of three layers. A shadow layer, a background layer, and a layer of 18 1"x1" squares, colorized to a palate of our choosing. I originally just chose colors from a picture of the Joker, but eventually, I felt I had to have him in the picture. The Joker was by far the best character in the new batman movie.
There is a Facebook group dedicated to the late Heath Ledger.
PS: Should I add any sort of text to the image I made? If so, what should I add?
Floyd founder Wright dies at 65
Pink Floyd keyboard player and founder member Richard Wright has died aged 65 from cancer.
Wright appeared on the group's first album, The Piper at the Gates of Dawn, in 1967 alongside lead guitarist Syd Barrett, Roger Waters and Nick Mason.
Dave Gilmour joined the band at the start of 1968 while Barrett left the group shortly afterwards.
Gilmour said: "He was such a lovely, gentle, genuine man and will be missed terribly by so many who loved him."
Writing on his website, he added: "And that's a lot of people. Did he not get the loudest, longest round of applause at the end of every show in 2006?"
Sunday, September 14, 2008
Friday, September 12, 2008
Life, the Universe, and Random Lulz
This picture is one of my favorite wallpapers. Inherently, its almost oppressive, as its a picture of riot gear laying on the wall of an old brick building. But just as a picture, it feels warm and fuzzy, a feeling that just makes you happy. Also, if you look close enough, the furthest riot shield is smiling at you. ^_^
Life is perfect when it can throw ironies like this one at you. Even better when they come in widescreen. View the full version here.
Thursday, September 11, 2008
For the lulz
Its been a week since my last post...
Ive been messing with my computer skin, as I hate the look of vista...
I found this shell replacement, and although it is a little plain, it looks really good, and is quite easy to use. And with the addition of vista sidebar gadgets, I have all the information I need.
On another note, AP Physics is fun.
Friday, September 5, 2008
Tweet, tweet, twitter.
Twitter is a free social networking and micro-blogging service that allows its users to send and read other users' updates (otherwise known as tweets), which are text-based posts of up to 140 characters in length.
Alex Dorman and I both now have twitter accounts.
Twitter is fun, and, I can even post when not anywhere near the computer.
New Microsoft product to be like cake?
Gates and Seinfeld have teamed up for what appears to be either an ad for Shoe Circus or Windows 7.
All we know at this point is that it will be delicious.
Wednesday, September 3, 2008
Dumb luck, or divine intervention...
My mom and sister, running late from soccer practice today, decided to pick up Taco Bell for us today. They had ordered a small meal for each of us, but end up being loaded down with 15 or so tacos, 6 chalupas, a bean burrito, and nachos...
They even made a point to point it out to the people working in the building, but were still given all that food...
Looks like we will have leftovers for a week...
Time to get back to homework...
Friday, August 29, 2008
"Do not feed the trolls"
I added a "Poof" button to the side.
It was made with the leet photoshop skills of Oblivion, and a trusty tutorial.(lul)
You can click it, just for the fun of it, but please, do not feed the trolls.
I want to make it a random page from the entire web, but I cant seem to find a weblink that does that. Stumbleupon only uses its toolbar...
Thursday, August 28, 2008
YAY, Eco Terrorism!
Get the story here.
Heh, I love the name dictated to this sort of action.
Eco-terrorism also called ecoterrorism or green terrorism is a term given to a violent political action for ecological, environmental, or animal rights causes. The word is a neologism and its applicability is contested.
EDIT: This is funny.
Wednesday, August 27, 2008
Jungian Personality
INFJ - The "Confidant"
INFJs, making up an estimated 1% of all people, are the most rare type (males even more so). They are introspective, caring, sensitive, gentle and complex people that strive for peace and derive satisfaction from helping others. INFJs are highly intuitive, empathetic and dedicated listeners. These traits tend to act as a "tell me what's wrong" sign on their forehead, hence the nicknames Confidant, Counselor or Empath. INFJs are intensely private and deeply committed to their beliefs.
Tuesday, August 26, 2008
lul, ASCII
Found on the RI board of GameFAQS
Random CSS server
Welcome to Seattle DuckSoup's CS:S Server
Avoid the Holy Hammer of Duck (For Noobs: Don't get Banned)! Obey the following Rules at all times:
1) Don't be an Ass-Clown.
2) Don't be a Haxing, Abusing Ass-Clown (this includes 'bunny hopping'!).
3) Don't be an annoying Clan-Loser Ass-Clown.
4) Don't be a whiny, bitchy, moaning, nothing good to say about anything Ass-Clown.
5) Don't be a bigoted, racist, hater of different people Ass-Clown.
(Again for the Noobs: calling stuff gay or people fags)
Do I have enough thoughts to post a blog today?
Do I even care?
Truly, I love this blog name.
I laugh at existence. I laugh at pain. I laugh at responsibility. I laugh at procrastination. I laugh at death. I laugh at the internet. I laugh at myself. I LAUGH AT LIFE!
Why? Because I can.
I wouldn't mind pain at all, if my body wouldn't react to it differently than my mind. I twisted my knee today, and the pain is bad, but not enough to make my mind dull, but my leg, it paralyzes itself with the pain... Its quite annoying.
Also, if you haven't read the comic book that AlexDorman posted a while ago, the character, The Comedian has the perfect outlook at life. He just laughs at it.
From the wiki:
The Comedian (Edward Morgan Blake) is a fictional character, a superhero/anti-hero featured in the acclaimed 1986 comic book series Watchmen.
Now, on a totally unrelated note, Twitter is quite usefull...
And: I hate the book "The Odyssey"
Monday, August 18, 2008
Watchmen Trailer
Old news indeed, but who cares, this will be the greatest movie ever. I watch that trailer at least once a week, but when I first saw it in theaters I nearly shed tears of joy. >_>
If you haven't read the comic GO BUY IT NOW. Or email me and I'll send you scans of it <_<
Saturday, August 16, 2008
Hehe, I got pulled over in bag checks, because I had a box cutter blade in my bag... _-_ Accidentally...
At least there was some excitement in this flight. Everything else went cleanly and smoothly, it looks like they got over a bunch of their paranoia, at least here in Oregon...
Badger, Badger, Badger, Badger, Badger, Badger, Badger, Mushroom, Mushroom.
Thursday, August 14, 2008
Sega Find Room Containing Every Sega Game Ever Made
Kotaku reports of a room deep within Segas headquarters that holds a copy of every single game made by Sega.
New Banner!
Most of it, I came up with during a chat session...
Temeas simium meum, my name during that chat, means "Hold my monkey." Nothing bad was implied by that, it just is a funny phrase.
My own blog
I went and registered my own blog, it will be for more personal uses, but I'll still post some stuff here as well.
No really, the airlines are too paranoid for their own good.
You CAN carry a normal size empty water bottle.
You CAN carry the same amount of water, in multiple 3oz bottles, in a single ziplock bag.
You CAN'T carry a full water bottle...
Honestly, if someone is going to be carrying explosive chemicals, they are probably going to be in individual parts anyway, and if someone is carrying a water bottle, its going to be water or something only slightly more sinister, sugar water. Watch out airmen, I am going to rot your teeth out!
Psh... At least just about everything else that isn't sharp, super pressurized, or directly explosive is allowed on the plane. I just hope they don't yell at me to put my DS or Zune away... That would be a fun killer...
Oh, and they don't mind if your checked baggage is full of guns and swords, as long as they don't contain anything more explosive than bullets, and are not in your carry on... I want to fill a second bag full of knives, and bring it with, just for lulz. How many knives does it take to equal 70 lbs?
6 days in sunny Hawaii? What do I need other than a few changes of clothes, my swimsuit, a book, and my electronics? I am not camping, so most of my normal packed gear has to be removed...
Meh, school
I need to go to a real collee dangit >:O
Wednesday, August 13, 2008
To Internet, or not to Internet.
Stupid statement jests... I need to find something better to joke about...
I have been trying to find a good free mmo... I have tried everything... I don't have the patience for 99% of the ones out there, and the only game that has stuck me as lasting fun is pay2play... Tabula Rasa... What does it take for these people to make games that are fun?
Also, crafting systems? Whats the deal with those? No-one can create them well. It always is better just to sell the raw resources than to craft things yourself. In a well built game, it would be a better deal to sell the handiwork'd item, instead of the Raw materials that made them... Even in SWG, by far the best crafting system I have seen so far... Still gets this wrong... You can make many times as much money selling the raw materials than selling the product. When I had my free trial, I was making speeder bikes. The 8000 some resources that I needed to make the craft cost about 4 credits each(were I to buy or sell them), and to sell the speeder, I was only able to get 20,000.
With Tabula Rasas crafting system...(What brought this rant up) You have to have like 10,000 base materials, each costing like 10 credits, to create 100 of the top tier items, costing only 150 credits... (of which you can buy each tier of items in the store, and no EXP is given for crafting, nor is there any reason to do this craft line...)
Also, blueprints... How the hell could they be one use only... Especially for items normally mass produced... You should be able to produce infinite amounts of items with that one blueprint... As long as you have the materials to create those items...
I want a good crafting system...
And a non boring game...
Is that too much to ask?
Also, on a side not, if you type Rideo into google, it asks if you misspelled radio...
Saturday, August 9, 2008
Wacom Bamboo
Being that it was recently my birthday, I got a Wacom Bamboo Fun drawing tablet. It has a functioning area of 5.8 x 3.7. I can use this for photo editing, drawing and painting. If I ever get good enough I'd like to make some kind of webcomic of my own. As you can see it comes with a mouse and a pen. The pen cursor follows the pen 1:1 which takes a little getting used to. So far the mouse is kinda pointless, the G7 I have (you can see a glimpse of it on the left) is far superior.
Overall it's a pretty cool device and hopefully I'll get better at art because of it.
Friday, August 8, 2008
Yay DDoS!
I only wish that I can find another good place to get wallpapers...
Thursday, August 7, 2008
Wednesday, August 6, 2008
These are our Profiles.
We listen to a fair amount of musics. Mostly rock and related stuff. Oblivion seems to like techno.
Tuesday, August 5, 2008
Hello, I'm The Oblivion and I'll be blogging here.
You can probably expect my posts either very sparse and uninformative, or completely illogical; not to mention totally non existent.
If I do manage to come up with some interesting content please tell everyone and their mother that some crazy and unimaginitive wanker actually made you think.
That is my aim after all, to make the sheeple think.
Anywho, I sign off with a tip of my hat, and give my regards to the Mrs.
To Infinity and... Oh shit...
I am Atlas, god of holding things on my shoulders... And my friend is Oblivion, master of nothing.
Together, we blog...