Most of it, I came up with during a chat session...
Temeas simium meum, my name during that chat, means "Hold my monkey." Nothing bad was implied by that, it just is a funny phrase.
[21:32] Temeas simium meum: We need to come up with some ingenious plan to get more pageviews
[21:32] Oblivion™: sell our souls to coperate sponseors
[21:34] Temeas simium meum: _-_
[21:35] Temeas simium meum: What would make them buy us?
[21:35] Oblivion™: i dunno
[21:36] Temeas simium meum: That statement makes me think of a good banner for us
[21:36] Oblivion™: lol
[21:36] Oblivion™: what
[21:38] Temeas simium meum: To: Corperate Bigheads.
We will not sell our souls for pageviews.
[21:38] Temeas simium meum: Have that in a letter format thing...
[21:39] Temeas simium meum: sidewaysish on the far left
[21:39] Oblivion™: dont over use rideo
[21:39] Temeas simium meum: I wasnt going to.
[21:39] Temeas simium meum: What is it again, I laugh?
[21:39] Oblivion™: yes
[21:40] Temeas simium meum: Translate "I laugh" Into as many languages as we can find, and fill the rest of the banner with it, in the same letterish format.
[21:40] Temeas simium meum: Then add some neat blending, change the color scheme to work with whe blog...
[21:40] Temeas simium meum: etc
[21:45] Temeas simium meum: Ich lache.
Je ris.
나는 실소한다.
Eu rio.
Я смеюсь над.
[21:47] Oblivion™: what language is rido?
[21:47] Temeas simium meum: Italian
[21:47] Oblivion™: hehe
[21:47] Temeas simium meum: Ridicolizzo
[21:47] Temeas simium meum: is spanish for "I ridicule"
love the banner!!!:D