Friday, August 29, 2008

"Do not feed the trolls"

I added a "Poof" button to the side.

It was made with the leet photoshop skills of Oblivion, and a trusty tutorial.(lul)

You can click it, just for the fun of it, but please, do not feed the trolls.

I want to make it a random page from the entire web, but I cant seem to find a weblink that does that. Stumbleupon only uses its toolbar...

Thursday, August 28, 2008

YAY, Eco Terrorism!

Pay attention people, this could be the next Shin-Ra vs Avalanche conflict.

Get the story here.

Heh, I love the name dictated to this sort of action.
Eco-terrorism also called ecoterrorism or green terrorism is a term given to a violent political action for ecological, environmental, or animal rights causes. The word is a neologism and its applicability is contested.

EDIT: This is funny.

Wednesday, August 27, 2008

Jungian Personality

INFJ - The "Confidant"

INFJs, making up an estimated 1% of all people, are the most rare type (males even more so). They are introspective, caring, sensitive, gentle and complex people that strive for peace and derive satisfaction from helping others. INFJs are highly intuitive, empathetic and dedicated listeners. These traits tend to act as a "tell me what's wrong" sign on their forehead, hence the nicknames Confidant, Counselor or Empath. INFJs are intensely private and deeply committed to their beliefs.

Tuesday, August 26, 2008

lul, ASCII


Found on the RI board of GameFAQS

Random CSS server

Ignorance and Contradiction!
Welcome to Seattle DuckSoup's CS:S Server

Avoid the Holy Hammer of Duck (For Noobs: Don't get Banned)!  Obey the following Rules at all times:

1) Don't be an Ass-Clown.

2) Don't be a Haxing, Abusing Ass-Clown (this includes 'bunny hopping'!).

3) Don't be an annoying Clan-Loser Ass-Clown.

4) Don't be a whiny, bitchy, moaning, nothing good to say about anything Ass-Clown.

5) Don't be a bigoted, racist, hater of different people Ass-Clown.
(Again for the Noobs: calling stuff gay or people fags)


Do I have enough thoughts to post a blog today?
Do I even care?

Truly, I love this blog name.

I laugh at existence. I laugh at pain. I laugh at responsibility. I laugh at procrastination. I laugh at death. I laugh at the internet. I laugh at myself. I LAUGH AT LIFE!

Why? Because I can.

I wouldn't mind pain at all, if my body wouldn't react to it differently than my mind. I twisted my knee today, and the pain is bad, but not enough to make my mind dull, but my leg, it paralyzes itself with the pain... Its quite annoying.

Also, if you haven't read the comic book that AlexDorman posted a while ago, the character, The Comedian has the perfect outlook at life. He just laughs at it.
From the wiki:

The Comedian (Edward Morgan Blake) is a fictional character, a superhero/anti-hero featured in the acclaimed 1986 comic book series Watchmen.

Now, on a totally unrelated note, Twitter is quite usefull...

And: I hate the book "The Odyssey"

Monday, August 18, 2008

Watchmen Trailer

Old news indeed, but who cares, this will be the greatest movie ever. I watch that trailer at least once a week, but when I first saw it in theaters I nearly shed tears of joy. >_>

If you haven't read the comic GO BUY IT NOW. Or email me and I'll send you scans of it <_<

Saturday, August 16, 2008


Postin' from the airport wireless!

Hehe, I got pulled over in bag checks, because I had a box cutter blade in my bag... _-_ Accidentally...
At least there was some excitement in this flight. Everything else went cleanly and smoothly, it looks like they got over a bunch of their paranoia, at least here in Oregon...

Badger, Badger, Badger, Badger, Badger, Badger, Badger, Mushroom, Mushroom.

Thursday, August 14, 2008

Sega Find Room Containing Every Sega Game Ever Made

Kotaku reports of a room deep within Segas headquarters that holds a copy of every single game made by Sega.

New Banner!

I decided to pull out my graphic design skills, and make us a custom banner.

Most of it, I came up with during a chat session...
Temeas simium meum, my name during that chat, means "Hold my monkey." Nothing bad was implied by that, it just is a funny phrase.

My own blog

I went and registered my own blog, it will be for more personal uses, but I'll still post some stuff here as well.

My Webcomic Favourites

A Softer World
Darths & Droids
Erf World
Order of the Stick
Girl Genius
Gone with the Blastwave
Looking For Group
Questionable Content
Three Panel Soul


Alt title:"Watch out kids, this water could explode!"

No really, the airlines are too paranoid for their own good.

You CAN carry a normal size empty water bottle.
You CAN carry the same amount of water, in multiple 3oz bottles, in a single ziplock bag.
You CAN'T carry a full water bottle...

Honestly, if someone is going to be carrying explosive chemicals, they are probably going to be in individual parts anyway, and if someone is carrying a water bottle, its going to be water or something only slightly more sinister, sugar water. Watch out airmen, I am going to rot your teeth out!

Psh... At least just about everything else that isn't sharp, super pressurized, or directly explosive is allowed on the plane. I just hope they don't yell at me to put my DS or Zune away... That would be a fun killer...

Oh, and they don't mind if your checked baggage is full of guns and swords, as long as they don't contain anything more explosive than bullets, and are not in your carry on... I want to fill a second bag full of knives, and bring it with, just for lulz. How many knives does it take to equal 70 lbs?

6 days in sunny Hawaii? What do I need other than a few changes of clothes, my swimsuit, a book, and my electronics? I am not camping, so most of my normal packed gear has to be removed...

Meh, school

I registered for classes at Rogue Community College today. Looks like I'll be taking Into to Flash and Intro to Networks. Yep, only two classes, for one, RCC doesn't have very many classes that intrest me, and my financial aid is pretty skimpy. If I'm lucky my grandma might be able to help pay for a third class, if so I would take an art class. It think I ought to look into business classes as well. They can be pretty handy to have should I need some kind of job to hold me over.

I need to go to a real collee dangit >:O

Wednesday, August 13, 2008

To Internet, or not to Internet.

That is not, and shall never be the question. There is no IRL, there is only code.

Stupid statement jests... I need to find something better to joke about...

I have been trying to find a good free mmo... I have tried everything... I don't have the patience for 99% of the ones out there, and the only game that has stuck me as lasting fun is pay2play... Tabula Rasa... What does it take for these people to make games that are fun?

Also, crafting systems? Whats the deal with those? No-one can create them well. It always is better just to sell the raw resources than to craft things yourself. In a well built game, it would be a better deal to sell the handiwork'd item, instead of the Raw materials that made them... Even in SWG, by far the best crafting system I have seen so far... Still gets this wrong... You can make many times as much money selling the raw materials than selling the product. When I had my free trial, I was making speeder bikes. The 8000 some resources that I needed to make the craft cost about 4 credits each(were I to buy or sell them), and to sell the speeder, I was only able to get 20,000.

With Tabula Rasas crafting system...(What brought this rant up) You have to have like 10,000 base materials, each costing like 10 credits, to create 100 of the top tier items, costing only 150 credits... (of which you can buy each tier of items in the store, and no EXP is given for crafting, nor is there any reason to do this craft line...)

Also, blueprints... How the hell could they be one use only... Especially for items normally mass produced... You should be able to produce infinite amounts of items with that one blueprint... As long as you have the materials to create those items...

I want a good crafting system...
And a non boring game...
Is that too much to ask?

Also, on a side not, if you type Rideo into google, it asks if you misspelled radio...

Saturday, August 9, 2008

Wacom Bamboo


Originally uploaded by OblivionVII

Being that it was recently my birthday, I got a Wacom Bamboo Fun drawing tablet. It has a functioning area of 5.8 x 3.7. I can use this for photo editing, drawing and painting. If I ever get good enough I'd like to make some kind of webcomic of my own. As you can see it comes with a mouse and a pen. The pen cursor follows the pen 1:1 which takes a little getting used to. So far the mouse is kinda pointless, the G7 I have (you can see a glimpse of it on the left) is far superior.

Overall it's a pretty cool device and hopefully I'll get better at art because of it.

Friday, August 8, 2008

Yay DDoS!

4Chan is dying! May it leave the world peacefully, with /b/ disappearing from existence without ravaging the rest of the internet.

I only wish that I can find another good place to get wallpapers...

Thursday, August 7, 2008



My birthday is tomorrow.

I need presents, specifically, better internets.

Wednesday, August 6, 2008

These are our Profiles.

We listen to a fair amount of musics. Mostly rock and related stuff. Oblivion seems to like techno.

Tuesday, August 5, 2008



Hello, I'm The Oblivion and I'll be blogging here.

You can probably expect my posts either very sparse and uninformative, or completely illogical; not to mention totally non existent.

If I do manage to come up with some interesting content please tell everyone and their mother that some crazy and unimaginitive wanker actually made you think.

That is my aim after all, to make the sheeple think.

Anywho, I sign off with a tip of my hat, and give my regards to the Mrs.


To Infinity and... Oh shit...

An attempt at a blog about internet, technology, music, games, infinity, and other random things.

I am Atlas, god of holding things on my shoulders... And my friend is Oblivion, master of nothing.

Together, we blog...



