Wednesday, September 30, 2009

Day 7: Movie Tiems

Been randomly watching movies all evening.

Not up to blogging tonight… I’ll try and post something more tomorrow.

Dorman’s Interlude:

Mr. Dorman says:
Steam Soldier says:
He's imortal, snake isn't
Mr. Dorman says:
he isn't immortal


Tuesday, September 29, 2009

Day 6: Irrelevance

Today, as opposed to the recent “Day” posts I’ve done, I’m going to ignore college entirely. Pictures of randomness shall be posted, and you’re going to like them. 


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Dorman’s Interlude Interruption:

Mr. Dorman says:



Monday, September 28, 2009

Day 5: Chem, Calc, and Crazies. Also, Comedian.

The first day of classes has been defeated. Miniboss: Crazy barely English speaking chemistry lecture teacher. Defeated with prior knowledge of chemistry, so i don’t have to even know what she’s saying.

My classes so far are easy… Easier than I’ve ever expected college to be. The chemistry curriculum is definitely a step below what I took in high school, and as I took AP Calculus, my calculus class is just review and mastery of a subject I already know.

I finished the homework for the entire week in my Writing class during my lunch hour today, consisting of a simple getting to know worksheet, and a 2-5 page memo. I’ve yet to find a printer to produce a hard copy of the memo, which is due Friday, but I can figure that out tomorrow.

So, the dorm halls all have a “theme” here at oit. They’re decorated according to that theme by the Residence Hall Advisors, Aka Civil Protection. I got lucky and got the hall decorated to super heroes, instead of the terrible one the guys across the building got: Disney.

In honor of that theme, I got this poster, and put it on my door. Behold, the greatest Anti-Hero of all time. THE COMEDIAN.


Sunday, September 27, 2009

Day 4:Video Games and Spaghetti Dinners

So, as I haven’t had any of my classes yet, and there was noting planned till 3 o’clock in the afternoon, I started the day off with video games. I installed a few games that i had laying around, two of them just not working at all on my computer. It seems I don’t have the CPU or graphic capabilities for Mirrors Edge, and Star Wars Battlefront II either was pathetic on the PC, or ran into some weird error with my processor.

I ended up playing a few hours of KOTOR II, as I haven’t played it yet. Still haven’t gotten past the initial level, though.

We had to sit through this terrible and terribly long mandatory meeting about the residence hall today. Woopie for an hour and a half of unskilled speakers. Afterwards, though, we had a spaghetti dinner, which tasted great. They even served free desert: Haagen Das ice cream bars.

Dorman’s Interlude:

Mr. Dorman says:
According to msn you have been playing the same song for the past 3 days.

Captured below is Mr. Dorman.


Saturday, September 26, 2009

Day 3: Old friends and new hilarities.

Today, I found some of my friends from high school around during the campus activities. I won a game of Apples to Apples. By the end of the game, i had 5 cards, where the second most was only 3. Apparently, playing a Will Smith card while any girl is judging automatically warrants a win.

We had a speaker about relationships today. He had some interesting things to say, but was able to keep the entire audience laughing at the same time. He also seemed to think that all college relationships were about sex, which got kind of annoying. During every section of his speech, he made sure to include gays and lesbians, even if he didn’t know how to apply his knowledge to that part of their specific attitudes.

Mr. Dorman seems to be offline, so I cannot collect random shit from him as of right now.

As an ending, I present a relevant image.


Friday, September 25, 2009

Day 2: Epic Vending Machines

Second day at college. Classes don’t start till monday. I’m bored out of my mind. THere are never enough people around to talk to, probably because school hasn’t started yet, and people can still arrive in the next 2 days, AND that people living off campus have no reason to be here.

So, they don’t actually turn on our internets till sunday night, when school starts… I’ve just been bumming off of the wireless terminals in the lobbies, I can get a weak signal on my laptop from my room, but it cuts off frequently. I’m in the third floor lobby, typing this up right now. It’s got a great view of the Klamath lake, so its quite nice to sit in here and work. I wonder how busy it will be when school starts.

So far, I’ve used up a serving of applesauce, two granola bars, a bagel, and about a tablespoon of peanut butter. I’m going to save my popcorn for later, and hopefully get my parents to buy me some really cheap ramen or cup-O-soup next time they go to costco. They’ve got a week at a local resort in October from some vacation points they spent, so I should be able to grab it from them then…

Dorman’s Interlude:

Mr. Dorman says:
Now data is singing!

The OIT campus is quite funny. Its obviously been built over the course of many years, and is even under construction right now. There are many different styles used in the buildings, but many of them have attempted to carry over architectural similarities from other buildings. There is one piece in particular that makes me laugh. It’s a beam, that stretches out in all 4 sides, to make a sort of x shape. This beam shows up in many buildings, and even is integrated into the walls of the gym/pool building.

To come to the title of this post, there is a vending machine in this lobby, in about the style of the snack machines, is set up for drinks. IT has an arm that reaches out and picks up the individual drinks, and sets it down in the pickup box. I keep watching it, as I’m typing from the third floor lobby. I cant help but wonder why it must be so specialized.

Wall of text! Yay. I have no wallpapers to post, and my camera is a good walk away. I shall post some images next time.


Thursday, September 24, 2009

Fresh Start.









Above is a picture of a lake during my 50 miler this summer, it seems that I haven’t posted it yet. Both pictures are taken from the same point, at the same time of day. The difference in lighting just because of camera angle is great.

Today, I checked into my dorm room, played Ultimate Frisbee in the dark with glowsticks, and attempted to get wireless internet on my computers. I need to go buy an Ethernet cord tomorrow, so i can get reliable and faster internet on my desktop. OIT limits all students to 5GB of bandwidth a week… I can use that easily in a day at home…

Dormans Interlude:

Mr. Dorman says:
Kirk died ;0;

Luckily, I’ve got 15 gigs of music on my hard drive, and 62 gigs of movies(HD movies are fun.). It should be enough to tide me over till i can get home. I’m a few hundred episodes behind on the animes I watched a few years ago… I have an urge to watch more of them, but I cant.

Tomorrow, I shall go and try and get my books. Tonight, I shall sleep.


Tuesday, September 15, 2009

Wordpress Distraction

I’ve got two copies of this blog, a Wordpress, and a Blogger. The blogger definitely has gotten the shorter end of the stick, mainly because it’s not the platform I like to use. From now on, when I make a blog post, I am going to use my blog posting program to write it to both blogs.


Will both have all my posts from now on. For any posts between January and September of this year, you will have to read my Wordpress, as Its a pain to transfer them. I may eventually do it, but for now, they’ll be Wordpress only.

Also, something cool I found a little while ago.


Out with one life, in with the new.

In about two weeks, I leave for college. I’ve bought all my new supplies, save anything that comes up unexpectedly. The changes from this current life at home are seeming drastic, but needed. My parents are becoming overly protective, almost in a wish to keep me home and chained to the floor. My sister(At 16 years of age), the brat that she has always been, is acting like an only child already… Screaming and throwing something akin to a tantrum every time I ask for the car when she supposedly needs it as a locker for her soccer stuff while at school. Also, the bus is too lowly for her. I rode the bus 3 years out of my 4 years in high school, and she has yet to ride it an entire year. As soon as my sister entered high school, my mom started driving her to school and back for her soccer practice.

For the past few years, I’ve been using a terrible old CRT monitor(The Philips Magnavox 107S in this article. I cant believe it once sold for $250). This summer, I decided to buy a flat screen monitor so I could take my desktop to college with me, where I already know the desks are quite a bit too small to be able to fit a CRT and still use it as a desk. After a frustrating time trying to get a monitor from someone on craigslist, I found a 23in Acer widescreen acer monitor. This thing is dreamy, the colour is perfect, the contrast is perfect, and it plays beautiful HD video. It also has built in speakers, which may be low quality, but get the job done, and don’t take up any additional space, which I know will be at a premium soon. 1920x1080 is so much larger a space to work with than 1280x1024.

Wallpaper Corner

Since I’m now using a 1920x1080 monitor, I shall post my favourite wallpapers in this resolution.

666256752311503716  199023941601876608 

Dorman’s Interlude:

Mr. Dorman says:

Don’t ask.